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About The Book

Auntie Bev's Jamaican and American Home-Style Cuisine: Authentic and Delicious Flavors

Welcome to Auntie Bev's Cookbook! I am Beverley D. Thomas-Smith, also known as "Auntie Bev," and I am thrilled to present "Auntie Bev's Jamaican and American Home-Style Cuisine: Authentic and Delicious Flavors". This cookbook is a result of my lifelong passion for cooking, baking, and sharing my culinary creations with others. Within its pages, you'll find a wide range of mouthwatering recipes, along with helpful information to enhance your cooking experience. This includes Cook's Notes, Safe Cooking Temperature, Safe Food Storage Times, Equivalent Measures, a Food Safety and Storage Guide, and Wellness Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle. Additionally, there are blank pages for jotting down your favorite recipes, and a section to record important dates and special occasions. I hope you find something that captures your interest and becomes your favorite culinary companion.

Thank you for joining me on this delicious journey!

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